Description Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
duration 1 Hour 34min.
Rating 34785 Vote.
actor Tristan Harris
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A must see. Even these movie elements are important, becausevthey show exactly what happens, if you interfere with this system.
You will overthink your personal social media habits completely and though be completely dazzled, because from now on you don't believe anybody anymore :D.
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This documentary is great is visually depicting how our time and attention is being manipulated by tech companies. It definitely opened my eyes at how much I personally have been controlled by social network feeds and it has been a while since a documentary has had this much impact on me. I agree that there is a problem and that the people in charge have too much power. I disagree that regulation is the solution to this problem. I really do respect the opinions of the producers and the interviewees in the documentary. I just wish that both sides were shown in the documentary. It was one-sided. I just don't think that government regulation is a good thing for any industry. It always brings in great barriers-to-entry and kill any competition and give even more power to those in charge at the larger companies. That's why Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress that he wants more regulation for all tech companies. It squashes any smaller startup that could be Facebook's competition that would have to comply with new laws. I liked the documentary, just show both sides to do more reporting than pushing an agenda next time.
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Giant Silicon Valley tech company, Netflix, commissions a film exposing the corrupting nature of other giant tech Companies.
As if social media invented fake news.
It's a worthwhile documentary and one worth heeding but it begs the question: if this giant tech company is willing to spill the beans about the damaging psychological Effect the tech conspiracy is perpetrating against people Then what is the real conspiracy they're not telling us...
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